A Public hearing held on “What should we do with the name of an integrated infant education and ..."

A Public hearing held on “What should we do with the name of an integrated infant education and childcare institution?”

The Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, held a public hearing on August 23, 2024, to discuss the name of the integrated institution for early childhood education and care. This public hearing was organized as a process to gather opinions for selecting the name of the integrated institution for early childhood education and care. During the hearing, various opinions from the field were heard, including considerations on what should be taken into account when selecting a new name that aligns with the nature of the integrated institution.

The event was attended by various stakeholders, including kindergarten and daycare teachers, as well as parents, and it was broadcast live on the Ministry of Education's official YouTube channel. The discussion included participation from academic experts, teacher organizations and unions, parents, and public relations experts. A Q&A session was also held with kindergarten and daycare teachers and parents who were directly present at the public hearing.

Based on the collected opinions, the Ministry of Education plans to establish criteria for selecting the name of the integrated institution. Following these criteria, there will be an ongoing process to gather further opinions on the name, after which the final name of the integrated institution will be confirmed and announced.